/* Fix Errors for 5 cases */ replace threat = 1 if caseid == 1990999901 /* the problem is threat = 0 and imposition = 0 at the same time */ replace imposition = 1 if caseid == 1983011301 /* the problem is threat = 0 and imposition = 0 at the same time */ replace startmonth = 1 if caseid == 1973070501 /* startdates & imposition dates miscoded */ replace startday = 9 if caseid == 1973070501 replace sancimpositionstartmonth = 1 if caseid == 1973070501 replace sancimpositionstartday = "9" if caseid == 1973070501 replace finaloutcome= 8 if caseid== 1973070501 replace endyear = 2004 if caseid == 2002041106 /* endyear 2002->2004*/ replace targetstate = 490 if caseid == 2002041103 /* target missing */